Art Lessons

  • Zoom Sessions

    I provide art lessons through Zoom, allowing students to learn and develop their artistic skills from the comfort of their homes. This flexible format makes it convenient for anyone interested, regardless of location.

    Lessons are one hour, once a week. 25.00 a session.

    I do not provide supplies, a recommended list will be provided.

  • In Person Studio Sessions

    I offer personalized art lessons either at my studio or in the comfort of your home, providing a hands-on educational experience tailored to the student’s interest.

    Lessons are one hour, once a week. 25.00 a session.

    I do not provide supplies, a recommended list will be provided.

Let’s make art together. Got Questions? Let’s Connect.

Interested in art lessons? Fill out some info and I will be in touch shortly!

Filling out the form is the first step in customizing your experience, once a time and schedule has been agreed upon, I will write up a personalized contract for you to sign. I can't wait to hear from you!