Fragment 1, Colored Pencil and White Charcoal, 25″x19″ 2018

Fragment 2, Colored Pencil and White Charcoal, 25″x19″ 2018

Fragment 3, Colored Pencil and White Charcoal, 25″x19″ 2018

Fragment 4, Colored Pencil and White Charcoal, 25″x19″ 2018

Shell Shadow, Charcoal and Acrylic on Toned Paper, 19″x24″ 2019

Shell Shadow II, Charcoal and Acrylic on Toned Paper, 19″x24″ 2019

Shell Shadow III, Charcoal and Acrylic on Toned Paper, 19″x24″ 2019

Seaweed, Mixed Media on Gesso Paper and Cyanotypes, 22"x30" 2018

Gather, Mixed Media on Gesso Paper and Cyanotypes, 22"x30" 2018 (In the Doane University Art Collection)
Vestige, Installation foam, driftwood, plastic tree armatures, fine turf, gesso, foliage, landscape paper, 20"x24"x6" 2019
Landscape Memoriam, Masonite, Flocked Modeling Paper, Model Trees, Vintage Velvet, Reclaimed Driftwood from Nova Scotia, Dimension Variable, 2018

After, Distressed Cyanotype, salvaged rope, saltwater rusted metal grate, model trees, wooden shadow box, 6.25″x12″x4.5″ 2019

Composition 5, Cyanotypes, Reclaimed rope, quartz from NS, model tree foliage, wood, 2018

Composition 4, Mixed media drawings, salvaged rope, memo pins, 14″x27.5″ 2018

Composition 3, reclaimed rope, salt water rusted grate, cyanotype, 28″x36″4.5″ 2018

Composition 1, sewn found rope and driftwood, 36″x36″x3.5″ 2018

Knots, sewn found rope, 10"x8"3.5", 2018

Composition 2, sewn found rope, 24"x24"x3" 2018
Dialogues of Ambiguous Formalities, Nova Scotia, 720p, 02:30, 2018
Experimental Sound Drawing and Spoken Word Construction.
Footage: Low Tide, Parrsboro Nova Scotia
Voice: Erin Cross
Pebble in My Shoe, Nova Scotia, 720p, 00:52, 2018
Experimental Sound Drawing and Spoken Word Construction.
Footage: Low Tide, Parrsboro Nova Scotia
Voice: Erin Cross
The Offering, Nova Scotia, 720p, 02:29, 2018
Experimental Sound Drawing and Spoken Word Construction.
Footage: Low Tide, Parrsboro Nova Scotia
Voice: Erin Cross